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In order to book the room, kindly fill in the below details per room and send it back to ALL these emails

  • Phuketbeach, Groups: groups.phuketbeach@lemeridien.com
  • Events team: lm.hktmd.events@lemeridien.com
  • Suwantaroj, Narumoll: narumoll.suwantaroj@lemeridien.com
  • Chiengprathum, Araya: araya.chiengprathum@lemeridien.com
Name of the event you are attending:The Cooperative ANNUAL MEETING (11th March - 13th March)
Name / Last Name:
Marriott Bonvoy no.:
Check-in and check-out:
Room type: Deluxe Room , Deluxe pool view or Deluxe sea view
Please advise Bed Type: King or Twin Bedding
Paxs per room (adult/kids):
Do you need transfer?
From the airport to the hotel: QR 250 – €64 approx – (BMW – Series 5) per way.
Please provide us with your flight details

IMPORTANT PLEASE MENTION IN THE EMAIL THAT YOU ARE ATTENDING THE COOP'S MEETING in order to benefit from the below special rates who have negotiated with them

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