Q. When and how did you get into the freight forwarding industry?
A. I actually started out at a trading company in Korea before making the career change into freight forwarding in 1999.
Q. Can you tell us a little of the history of Shine Logistics?
A. My co-worker and I decided to establish SHINE in 2004, wanting to create something that was different from other competitors, by listening to customers to shape our business plan. We believe honestly is the best policy, and have an excellent relationship with our clients to this day.
Q. What distinguishes Shine Logistics from other freight forwarders in your city?
A. We personalise every aspect of the service for our client. We understand that freight forwarding isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ business. This is a big difference from most freight forwarding companies who standardize their services. Our approach has proven popular so far, with many return customers.
Q. What are the main challenges facing freight forwarders in Korea now?
A. Last year, Hanjin’s Shipping collapsed suddenly. Things like that are a shock, but they happen. Many of the big shipping lines are starting to merge with each as a result, which can either be a good thing or a bad thing for us. So for now, if this means forming closer ties with similar companies, then that is something we will be prepared to do.
Q. How is the freight forwarding industry tackling these challenges?
A. Preparation! You have to expected the unexpected. An important part of this is having a close relationship with shipping partners.
Q. How is Shine Logistics dealing with these challenges daily?
A. We have a strong team. Even staff who are not on the front line of the logistics side of things learn all the in’s and out’s of the business so they can deal with all challenges, and provide quality customer service.
A. Most shipping lines don’t like taking steel because it weighs so much. As I said, this where a strong relationship with shipping lines make the difference, and we have built a solid group of partners over time.
Q. What would be the most significant shipment your team has handled?
A. My dream is for Shine to become one of the biggest freight forwarding companies in Korea and the world. We believe this possible as long as we continue to pursue excellent and confidential customer service, which has held us in great stead until now.