Fairtrade Express Co. Ltd. changes its name

On behalf of Fairtrade Express Co. Ltd, a member of The COOP in Taipei, we would like to inform members that as of 1st November 2015, their company name has changed to Fairtrade International Logistics Co., Ltd. Please note; all other company details remain the same.

Location and address: 2nd. Fl., No. 23, Lane 50, Sec. 3,Nankang Road, 115, Taipei, Taiwan

Phone and fax numbers

Phone: + 886 226513041- Fax: + 886 226511041

Email addresses:

Michelle Lu – michelle.lu@fairtradetw.com 

Gary Tseng – gary.tseng@fairtradetw.com 

Elsa Lan – elsa.lan@fairtradetw.com