The shipment which consisted of a high-value dining set worth 500,000 Euros was shipped from Europe to Singapore
E2E Supply Chain Management PTE LTD, a Coop member in Singapore, has collaborated with Atlas Forwarding Ltd, a Coop member in Dublin, Ireland, on an OOG air-cargo project. The shipment arrived from Europe to Singapore in a freighter aircraft. E2E had to clear the cargo from Changi Airport, over the weekend and deliver it to the consignee in Singapore.
The shipment consisted of a prestigious high-end dining set worth EURO 500,000. The cargo measured 6.3m (length) x 2.03 m (width) x 1.4 m (height) and weighed 1,491 kg and had a pivotal weight of 5,000 kg.

In the words of Alan Lim, the CEO of E2E Supply Chain Management, “We had to deliver the cargo within a very short period to avoid airport storage and customer dissatisfaction. Our team had to put in extra effort for this OOG cargo due to its special nature. Moreover, despite the last hour change of plans by the importer we successfully delivered the shipment on time.”
For positioning and unboxing the table, they had to arrange for a 110 ton crate with an outreach extending over 3 roof tops along with specialized tools and lifting equipment. “These kinds of cranes are scarce and require advance booking. However, we managed to secure it within a day. In addition, another major challenge involving this shipment was gathering teams of site supervisors, managers, lifting crew and workers within a very short span of time. Lastly, our supplier’s reluctance to cooperate seamlessly was a major hindrance that our team has successfully prevailed over,” adds Mr. Lim.
Congratulations to E2E and Atlas Forwarding for their successful collaboration!