The first edition of our 2019 newsletters will give you all the information about our conference at Abu Dhabi plus many interesting news bits from the network and the industry

We would like to bring to the attention of all our agents that the spring edition of Cooperative Logistics Network’s newsletter is now out and available for viewing on our website. This newsletter will bring you all the news updates about the Coop’s annual conference at Abu Dhabi which was attended by a record number of members. Apart from all the pertinent info about the meeting, you’ll also get to see the group photos taken during the meeting and the video of the highlights of our conference.
Moreover, as in all the previous newsletters, you’ll find all the news about the achievements of our members as well as a selection of news from the freight forwarding industry. We hope that glancing through the memoirs of our Annual Meeting at Abu Dhabi will help you relive the wonderful time we spent together and encourage you to join us for our next year’s meeting.
If you want your company to get featured in our next newsletter then don’t forget to send us a few lines about the latest achievements of your company. You will be able to access our latest newsletter by clicking on the following link:
Happy reading!