C. Hartwig, a Coop member in Gandsk and Gdynia, takes their employees to a resort located in Sobieszewska Island to commemorate their 160th anniversary
Last weekend C Hartwig S.A., a Coop member in Gandsk and Gdynia, celebrated their 160th anniversary at a plush resort in Sobieszewska Island.
The entire gang of C Hartwig enjoyed sport activities which were aimed to tighten the ties between members. After a sumptuous dinner, they enjoyed the performance of a stand-up comedian which was followed by a gala party which lasted till dawn.

“Over 300 employees, key partners, guests and clients went to a resort on Sobieszewska Island which was the venue of our celebrations.” says Michal Siemiatkowski, Network Coordinator of C.Hartwig.
Michal Siemiatkowski continues: “Our entire team was in super high spirits and we’re certainly looking forward to our 320th anniversary party,”
We wish a very Happy 160th Anniversary to the C. Hartwig team!